Boeing steps up during the COVID-19 crisis, by the numbers

When the going got tough, Boeing got going on ways to help communities.

July 15, 2020 in Our-Commitment

Stepping up in times of crisis is in our DNA.

As COVID-19 forced the world to a grinding halt, communities found themselves confronted by job losses, health risks, school closures and hospitals without the equipment to protect those on the front-lines. During this time, many Boeing employees came together to help those in need — while wearing masks and staying at least six feet apart when possible, of course.

  • Boeing Additive Manufacturing teams 3D-printed 40,000 face shields for health care professionals across the U.S.
  • Boeing pilots completed 12 airlift missions, safely delivering 4.5 million units of PPE to health care professionals.
  • More than 4 million students accessed FUTURE U’s digital STEM learning resources.
  • Boeing employees, combined with our Gift Match program, donated $1.5 million in response to COVID-19 efforts in local communities.
  • Employee Community Fund chapters across the U.S. donated over $840 thousand to the communities where we work and live.
  • Many of these outstanding contributions started as ideas that more than 1,200 employees submitted to the How Boeing Can Help campaign on the internal Innovation Venues webpage.

Behind these numbers are countless people working tirelessly to find ways to serve others as the pandemic continues to take a toll, and there’s no sign of them slowing down.

By Jo Wingbermuehle