Boeing demos MOSA progress on Apache
Future systems architecture will enable faster integration, fielding of advanced capabilities for the attack helicopter.

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Boeing recently used its Crewstation Advanced Technology Testbed to demonstrate progress toward implementing a Modular Open Systems Approach, or MOSA, on the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter for U.S. Army stakeholders in Huntsville, Alabama — a key aviation modernization priority for the service.
MOSA will allow the Army to integrate and field advanced capabilities more quickly and affordably than previously possible, enabling the service to rapidly zero out operational gaps in an interconnected, multi-domain environment where threats are constantly evolving.
Army representatives were presented with a simulated air assault security mission in which autonomous drone-based sensors, known as Air Launched Effects, provided them with information from a battlefield miles away. Boeing also showcased its Advanced Crew Station, which features an innovative large area display and tailored user experience system that reduces pilot cognitive strain and workload during operations.
“The demo allowed us to show that Apache’s new open system interface is capable of meeting MOSA requirements and confirm our path forward,” said Doug Sanders, business development capture lead for Apache advanced mission systems. “It also gave us the opportunity to validate new advanced mission systems and crew station technologies. We’re excited by the progress that’s been made and look forward to incorporating findings and feedback from the Army.”
While the Army looks to include open systems architecture in all future vertical lift platforms, the AH-64E Version 6, or v6, Apache is one of the few aircraft in its existing fleet that possesses an open systems architecture today.
Combined with the v6’s combat-proven design and unique mix of cutting-edge communications, navigation, sensor and weapon systems, MOSA will help ensure the Apache’s continued battlefield dominance in Multi-Domain Operations.
“MOSA will play a key role in the next generation of Apaches,” said Jennifer Walker, fellow business development capture lead for Apache. “We’re dialed in on delivering the most efficient, effective and affordable future attack and reconnaissance capabilities to the Army.”
Boeing is committed to enabling Army modernization across the board — focusing on the priorities of long-range precision fires, future vertical lift, air and missile defense, the network and more — to ensure mission-readiness in an increasingly complex, multi-domain environment.